Saturday, January 28, 2012

About Me: I hate these kinds of sections because I never know what to say: so I will keep this short. I consider myself to be a reasonably well educated (although you can be the judge of that after you read some of my posts) and logical individual with a moderate view on the world. I don’t buy into conspiracy theories, doomsday predictions, or anything else that cannot be supported implicitly by factual evidence. I love to research and debate. To find little facts that you can then use to overtake your opponent, and in that regard I am pretty good at what I do. This blog is in part designed to show some of that research, and to help others as they try to find the truth about what is going on in the world around them.

My Political Views: If you were to push me to say that I am one or the other, I suppose I would say I am a Democrat. That said, I don’t particularly believe that either party is inherently evil, and I don’t believe that anyone goes into politics saying, “I am going to purposefully hurt the country.” I believe that most politicians go into government thinking that they can affect some sort of positive change for our country, and in the end politics and parties get in the way of what they otherwise would do. I believe that it is important for both sides to compromise in their vision of the future for the system to work, and only through that compromise can the will of the people on both sides be adequately represented. I mean after all the U.S. Constitution was commonly referred to as a “Bundle of Compromises” when it was written, and that seems to have worked out for us pretty well so far right?

My Religious Views: I was raised Christian in the Southern Baptist Church, and I remain so today. I believe that religion affects us all in how he go about our day to day lives, but in the case of the United States government I think it is best to keep one’s religious views from impairing their political choices. I understand that you may identify better with one candidate who seems to espouse similar beliefs to the ones that you hold dear, but I don’t believe that should be your only criteria for choosing to vote or support a particular candidate; as religion, due to the fact that our government is supposed to operate with a certain separation between church and state, has very small role in how our political leaders in how they are supposed to handle themselves and the office which they represent.

The Point of This Blog: The reason I started this blog is fairly simple: I found myself spending way too much time on Facebook correcting errant posts by some of my friends of mine that involved political, economic, or religious matters. As generally these were well cited rebuttals that involved a great deal of research on my part, I decided that I should create a blog page designed to inform others of these common misconceptions, and then arm them with the same types of facts that I had found so that my readers could share them with their friends or family members. I don't do political propaganda for either side, and, as the title of this blog hints at, my writings/musings are intended to represent a moderate prospective on the world.

What This Blog Is Not: Politically biased flame bait, designed to attract the wrath or ire of others. As I mentioned before I am generally fairly neutral when it comes to politics, and in most cases I am likely to take the contrarian point of view on things; as I feel both sides of an issue need to be adequately explored before you can pass judgment on it.

I may expand on all of this at a later point, but I think that is a fairly good summarization of who I am, what my perspective is, and the purpose of this blog.

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